A Brief Background of the Establishment of Maizbhandari Academy
The Maizbhandari Philosophy is introduced in light of the inherent implications and essence of Islam for the welfare and the emancipation of the global humanity both in the worldhere and the world hereafter. But it is very sad that most of the people are not aware of the true nature of Maizbhandari Philosophy introduced by Hazrat Gausul Azam Mowlana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K) which aims at the emancipation of global mankind and the attainment of nearness to God. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings, misgivings and false notions regarding Maizbhandari Philosophy in the minds of the common people. In this critical juncture of grave concern, it is very essential to undertake extensive programmes on research and publications and productive, pragmatic and creative human welfare-oriented multi-dimensional as well as comprehensive plans and programmes to eliminate all kinds of misunderstandings and wrong notions regarding Maizbhandari Philosophy and thereby to inspire the people to be free from all sorts of prejudices and to be imbued with the true spirit and ideas of Maizbhandari Philosophy. With this end in view, Maizbhandari Academy was established in February 11, 2002 with the patronage of Alhaj Syed Mohammad Hasan (M.J.A.), Sajjadanshin, Gausia Huq Manzil, Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Maizbhandari Academy is a non-political, non-communal, benevolent, altruistic, humane and Maizbhandari Philosophy-based research, publication, social service and development-oriented organization.
The Basic Aims and Objectives of Maizbhandari Academy
- To work for the publicity and spread of Maizbhandari Philosophy;
- To remove all misunderstandings regarding Maizbhandari Philosophy and to highlight the true nature of Maizbhandari Philosophy among the people at large;
- To inspire and motivate the people irrespective of sex, caste, creed and religion about the ideas of Maizbhandari Philosophy;
- To enable the people (having faith in Maizbhandari Philosophy) possess ideal character and divine virtues;
- To familiarize the global mankind with Maizbhandari Philosophy.
- To make an attempt to render total welfare to the followers of Maizbhandari Philosophy and to encourage the people to establish true, decent and healthy society.
- To establish peace, unity and cordial relations among the people of all categories like social worker, teachers and students, doctors, intelligentia, lawyers, businessman, labourers etc. irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion.
The Planned Programmes of Maizbhandari Academy
Maizbhandari Academy has undertaken the following programmes with a view to implementing its above aims and objectives:
- The basic research and publication activities on Maizbhandari Philosophy will be intensified. The stipend/scholarship will be awarded for research on Maizbhandari Philosophy at the M. Phil./PhD. levels to the competent candidates.
- Seminar and international conferences on Maizbhandari Philosophy and Sufism, presentation of mystic songs, reception to the man of virtue and spiritual personality, social workers, Islamic thinkers etc., debates and intellectual dialogue, roundtable conference on Maizbhandari Philosophy, Sufism and Islam etc. will be organized.
- The birth and death days of the Maizbhandari Saints with due honour and solemnity will be celebrated.
- All religious festivals with due honour and solemnity will be celebrated.
- Stipends/Scholarships for poor and meritorious students and financial assistance for establishing educational institutions will be provided.
- Efforts will be made for eradications of poverty and with this end in view, different service-oriented and developmental schemes will be undertaken.
- An ideal library will be established to spread knowledge about Islam and Maizbhandari Philosophy.
- Different programmes will be undertaken to celebrate different important national and international days and events.
- Measures will be undertaken to publish journals, magazines, books, translated books etc. on Maizbhandari Philosophy on regular basis.