Humanitarian consciousness is one of the fundamental teachings of Islam. According to the Medinah charter “Article 1: This is a document from Muhammad the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), governing relations between the Believers and Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who followed them and worked hard with them. They form one nation – Ummah.”, Islam brings the whole humanity irrespective of caste creeds colour, religion and gender under one greater Ummah. Islam addresses the need of spiritual development, moral ethical development and material development with equal emphasis. Gausul Azam Shah Sufi Maulana Syed Ahmedullah Maizbhandari, a true inheritor of prophet (peace be upon him), the founder of Maizbhandaria Tariqah used to uphold, nourish, relish and propagate this Quranic ideology throughout his life. The only Tariqah of Islam originated in the soil of Bangladesh and the present glory of Maizbhandaria tariqah as the centre of Islamic learning is to be attributed to this great soul. It is needless to say that this tariqah has become the torch bearer and the perpetual model of Islamic learning of Tasawwuf-Sufism and Marifat.
Maizbhandari Academy Webinar
18th July 2022 Monday
Bangladesh time: 09: 00 pm
Singapore time: 11:00 PM
UK time: 4:00 PM
India time: 08:30 PM
USA time: 11:00 AM
UAE time: 07:00PM
Tarika-e-Maizbhandari (or Qadiri Malamiah Ahmedia) is a silsila (path or way). Hazrat Ahmedullah (1826-1906), who was a descendant of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s), had established the Qadiri Malamiah Ahmedia silsila. Since the departure of Hazrat Ahmed Ullah in 1906, Tarika-e-Maizbhandari has continuously been spreading among its millions of devotees, which is also frequently interpreted as open tarika (open spiritual method or path)… Readmore
Gausul Azam Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K) belongs to the tribe of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). With the passage of time the descendants of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) came to Baghdad, from Baghdad they came to Delhi and from Delhi they came to Gour, the then Capital of Bengal… Redmore
Khademul Fokara Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (R) built his mundane world, meditation-world, ideological world and world of service by struggling against the cruel realities of life. He was born in Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif on February 27, 1893 A.D.; Falgun 13, 1299 B.S. He is the grandson of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) and second son… Redmore
Hazrat Shahanshah Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) is regarded by his disciples and followers as a ‘Marajal Bahrain’ (unction of two streams of waves) in Maizbhadar Darbar Sharif. He played active role in popularising Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif in the contemporary world through his different mysterious actions and wise sayings so as to contribute to the global peace and harmony…Redmore
Humanitarian consciousness is one of the fundamental teachings of Islam. According to the Medinah charter “Article 1: This is a document from Muhammad the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace),governing relations between the Believers and Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who followed them and worked hard with them.They form one nation – Ummah.”, Islam brings the whole humanity irrespective of caste creeds colour, religion and gender under one greater Ummah…Readmore
Alokdhara is a Sufi journal in Bangla based on the philosophy and teachings of Tasawwuf , highlighting the maizbhandari Tariqa conforming to the teaching of the Qur’an & Sunnah . Alokdhara , meaning “Stream of light” dates from 1985 . THe write-ups & thoughtful articles of prominent writes in original & translation-form are being published in it satisfying the thirst of knowledge of different classes of readers . THis journal is very impressive in get-up, rich in literary style authored by ancient & modern thinkers and pictured by the rare photographs of Islamic history , culture & heritage…Readmore