Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif

Frequently Ask Question

Frequently Ask Question

Many people often raise questions whether or not Ṣūfīsm is Islamic? Whether or not the Ṣūfī practice in Maizbhandar is legitimate or not?  Whether or not Ṣūfī practices are bida (culpable innovation)?

The Holy Qur’an is a book āyā (sign).  Indeed the holy Qur’an is a book comprised of āyāt al-āyāt (a sign of signs).  To comprehend Ṣūfīsm in light of Holy Qur’an, one must for signs provided by Allah, rather than mere reading the verses as text.


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    Shahanshah Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (K.) Trust (SZHM TRUST).

    Phone: 02334454326-7